Today on Krishna's Jayanti- Krishna's Birthday Sri Swami Vishwananda shares following story:
Now you always say Radhe Radhe. In Brindavan actually, they don’t say Hare Krishna, or they don’t even mention the name of Krishna to greet somebody. They always use the name of Radha. Do you know why? Tell me. Because Krishna left Brindavan and they were still angry with him.
Well, there is something to be angry with, you know? Because the Gopis had such Love for Krishna, which is not comparable to any kind of love. That’s why when He left, they were angry. Also the descendent are still angry with him. It’s amazing the love relationship that still today the people have for Krishna. It’s really one to one. It’s like He is the dearest one. They will tell Him anything. They will scold Him even. Once one thing will go wrong, they will scold Him. They know that He is God, but yet the love, that they feel inside their heart is stronger. This closeness, this relationship, this love, that’s what is the most important thing. Our relationship to the Divine, this kind of love our soul has to the Brahmamatma. And if we awake this relationship, it will come.
It is said that the Queen of Gopis, which is Radharani will do anything for Krishna. Name it, she will do it. Even giving her life she will do it. It so happened once the Gopis all sang 'Krishna, Krishna we love you so much'. And everybody was saying 'Oh Krishna we will do that for you'. You know that very well. When you are in love, you just have big, big promises, when sometimes it comes to practice: null, zero.
Well the Gopi also were talking ‘Krishna we love you so much’, but yet Krishna wanted to test them. So one day He pretended to have terrible headache and He was screaming “Aah, I have terrible pain”. Everybody was shocked you know, said “Oh my Lord what can we do for you?” And those who have said they will do anything, said “Lord, we will do anything for you, tell us.” Krishna looked at them all, said Ok, fine. To cure my headache I need the dust of your feet. I need that you press my head with your feet. They all got shocked. He, the Lord of Universe is asking that His head is pressed by their feet. None of them considered them worthy for that. They were very scared that to press Gods head with their feet is so disrespectful. Secondly for sure they will go to hell. So everybody was discussing with each another how would they do that.
At that moment Radha came and she saw Krishna in such a state. So she went to Krishna and said to Him “My Lord tell me”. Krishna said the same thing that He said to the Gopis tell us really what we will do. Then she did what she had to do. Without thinking, without considering about herself she said “Yes” and there Krishna was lying in pain. She start pressing the head of Krishna with her feet and everybody was shocked. At that moment Krishna's headache was gone. Everybody was shocked. They came to Radha and were very angry with Radha and start cursing Radha, saying “Oh you are so bad, you are mean. How come you have put your feet on the head of our Lord? Then for sure you will go to hell.” Radharani said to them “Well, even the deepest of hell will be a blessing for me for it has cured my Lord’s pain”.
So you see in the relationship to the Divine you forget about yourself, completely. You forget about your own realization, you forget about what will make you happy
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